Parallel and Distributed Systems Group

Computer Science Department of Telecom SudParis


The PDS/HPDA seminar is organized by the Benagil team of Inria Saclay and Samovar laboratory.

It consists in presentations of research works on parallel systems, distributed systems, distributed computing, high performance computing and high performance data analytics. Usually, the seminar takes place each week on Friday at 10am at TSP/Palaiseau. The PDS/HPDA seminar consists in three types of presentations:

If you want to receive the announces of the next seminars, please send a mail to Gaël Thomas or François Trahay. You can also download a calendar of the seminars here.

For the master students, attending some of the seminar is mandatory. The mandatory seminars have the icon. You can download a calendar that only contains the mandatory seminars here, or a calendar with all the seminars that indicates which ones are mandatory here.

You can find a page that also includes the older seminars here.

When Type Speakers Title
25/7/2024 at 14h00Invited talkChandana S. DeshpandeToward Practical 128-bit General Purpose Microarchitectures
7/6/2024 at 10h30Reading groupMinh Tung NguyenDetermining consensus number (PODC'97)
7/6/2024 at 10h00Reading groupDuc Hieu LeTRINITY: A Fast Compressed Multi-attribute Data Store (EuroSys'24)
31/5/2024 at 10h30Team workJana ToljagaVoliMem: Leveraging a userland page table towards transparent usage of persistent memory (Compas'24)
24/5/2024 at 10h30Team workJean-François DumollardFork-nox: a new virtualization technique to enforce system security (Compas'24)
17/5/2024 at 10h30Team workCatherine GuelquePallas: HPC Trace Analysis at scale (Compas'24)
17/5/2024 at 10h00Reading groupBrian OoiFLOAT: Federated Learning Optimizations with Automated Tuning (EuroSys'24)
3/5/2024 at 10h30Reading groupMikhail AnoprenkoState-Machine Replication Scalability Made Simple (EuroSys'22)
3/5/2024 at 10h00Reading groupJules RisseRoofline: An insightful Visual Performance model for multicore Architectures (CACM'09)
26/4/2024 at 10h30Team workNicolas DerumignyPALMED: Throughput Characterization for Superscalar Architectures (CGO'22)
2/2/2024 at 10h50Reading groupNikolay BezkhodarnovNu: Achieving Microsecond-Scale Resource Fungibility with Logical Processes (NSDI'23)
2/2/2024 at 10h25Reading groupNevena VasilevskaWhy Nothing Matters: The Impact of Zeroing (OOPSLA’11)
2/2/2024 at 10h00Reading groupTeodor CvijovicDRAMHiT: A Hash Table Architected for the Speed of DRAM (Eurosys'23)
26/1/2024 at 10h50Reading groupMelek GhoumaSpanner: Google’s Globally-Distributed Database (TOCS'13)
26/1/2024 at 10h25Reading groupArtem GolovinPushing Performance Isolation Boundaries into Application with pBox (SOSP'23)
26/1/2024 at 10h00Reading groupMartin GuyardGlider: Serverless Ephemeral Stateful Near-Data Computation (Middleware ’23)
19/1/2024 at 11h15Reading groupBastien GastaldiIn-Network Leaderless Replication for Distributed Data Stores (VLDB'22)
19/1/2024 at 10h50Reading groupGuillermo Toyos MarfurtA Speedup Theorem for Asynchronous Computation with Applications to Consensus and Approximate Agreement (PODC'22)
19/1/2024 at 10h25Reading groupMinh Tung NguyenFast Byzantine consensus (IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing)
19/1/2024 at 10h00Reading groupMikhail AnoprenkoPermissionless and asynchronous asset transfer (Distributed Computing'23)
12/1/2024 at 10h25Reading groupBrian Jian Wei OoiFLIPS: Federated Learning using Intelligent Participant Selection (Middleware'23)
12/1/2024 at 10h00Reading groupMathis Gontier DelaunayTBD
15/12/2023 at 11h00Invited talkBrice GoglinStructural modeling (or not) of parallel computing platform topology
15/12/2023 at 10h25Reading groupHenrique MedeirosAutomated performance prediction of microservice applications using simulation (MASCOTS'21)
15/12/2023 at 10h00Reading groupLouis Farcot LafondCEP-15: Fast General Purpose Transactions
8/12/2023 at 10h50Reading groupLe Duc HieuTranslation Pass-Through for Near-Native Paging Performance in VMs (Usenix ATC'23)
8/12/2023 at 10h25Reading groupThomas JaouenAutomatic Calibration of Performance Models on Heterogeneous Multicore Architectures (HPPC'09)
8/12/2023 at 10h00Reading groupTeodor CvijovicSMART: A High-Performance Adaptive Radix Tree for Disaggregated Memory (OSDI'23)
1/12/2023 at 10h50Reading groupNikolay BezkhodarnovFlexOS: Towards Flexible OS Isolation (ASPLOS'22)
1/12/2023 at 10h25Reading groupNevena VasilevskaI-JVM: a Java Virtual Machine for Component Isolation in OSGi (DSN'09)
1/12/2023 at 10h00Reading groupArtem GolovinEnclosure: Language-Based Restriction of Untrusted Libraries (ASPLOS'21)
24/11/2023 at 11h00Invited talkJean-Thomas AcquavivaR&D at DDN
24/11/2023 at 10h25Reading groupMelek GhoumaBenchmarking Cloud Serving Systems with YCSB (SoCC'10)
24/11/2023 at 10h00Reading groupMathis Gontier DelaunaySoK: MEV Countermeasures: Theory and Practice
17/11/2023 at 11h00Team workCatherine GuelqueHierarchical Trace Format: A scalable trace format for Exascale computing
17/11/2023 at 10h25Reading groupMartin GuyardSONIC: Application-aware Data Passing for Chained Serverless Applications (Usenix ATC'21)
17/11/2023 at 10h00Reading groupLouis Farcot LafondEfficient Replication via Timestamp Stability (EuroSys'21)
10/11/2023 at 10h50Reading groupHenrique MedeirosUniversal context propagation for distributed system instrumentation (EuroSys'18)
10/11/2023 at 10h25Reading groupBrian Jian Wei OoiAergia: leveraging heterogeneity in federated learning systems (Middleware'23)
10/11/2023 at 10h00Reading groupBastien GastaldiSwiSh: Distributed shared state abstractions for programmable switches. (NSDI'22)
20/10/2023 at 11h00Invited talkPatrick Carribault (CEA)R&D Talk – CEA
20/10/2023 at 10h30Reading groupMikhail AnoprenkoCordial Miners: Fast and Efficient Consensus for Every Eventuality (DISC'23)
20/10/2023 at 10h00Reading groupMinh Tung NguyenAll You Need is DAG (PODC'21)
13/10/2023 at 11h00Invited talkRémi Bouzel (Qarnot Computing)R&D talk – Qarnot Computing
13/10/2023 at 10h30Reading groupGuillermo Toyos MarfurtThe topology of shared-memory adversaries (PODC '10)
6/10/2023 at 11h00Team workFrançois TrahayPythia : an oracle to guide runtime systems decisions (Cluster'22)
6/10/2023 at 10h30Reading groupLe Duc HieuA study of the scalability of stop-the-world garbage collectors on multicores (ASPLOS'13)
6/10/2023 at 10h00Reading groupThomas JaouenStarPU: a unified platform for task scheduling on heterogeneous multicore architectures (CCPE'09)
29/9/2023 at 11h00Team workGaël ThomasPrivagic: confidential computing made practical with secure typing
29/9/2023 at 10h30Team workJana ToljagaMostVM: Leveraging a user-land page table to efficiently use modern memory
29/9/2023 at 10h00Team workMarie ReinbiglerFrugal Deep Learning for Multi-Resolution Image Analysis
22/9/2023 at 10h00Invited talkAnne-Cécile OrgerieGreen IT
15/9/2023 at 11h00Team workPierre SutraThe Mempool Abstraction in CometBFT
15/9/2023 at 10h30Team workJean-François DumollardFork-nox: a new virtualization technique to enforce system security
15/9/2023 at 10h00Reading groupMickaël BoichotDrGPUM: Guiding Memory Optimization for GPU-Accelerated Applications (ASPLOS'23)
8/9/2023 at 11h00Team workAdam ChadertéléGC: Remote Garbage Collection using Memory Disaggregation
8/9/2023 at 10h00OtherFrançois TrahayIntroduction to research