PhD thesis defense of David Oudart on May 7 2020: “Model driven engineering applied to Smart Grids design: Cosimulation with FMI approach”
Model driven engineering applied to Smart Grids design: Cosimulation with FMI approach
Smart Grids are cyber-physical systems that interface power grids with information and communication technologies to monitor them, automate decision making and balance production with consumption. We want to use simulation to easily evaluate and compare several solutions before deployment in a real environment. The objective of this thesis is thus to propose tools and methods to model and simulate a Smart Grid in an industrial context. We have identified two main issues: How to combine heterogeneous models of a Smart Grid to simulate it? How to ensure consistency between the models produced by different stakeholders during the design of a Smart Grid? To address these issues, we propose a cosimulation approach, using the Functional Mockup Interface (FMI) standard. Our first two contributions are the proposal of a method to allow the exchange of discrete signals between several FMUs, and an extension of the OMNeT++ telecommunications simulation software implementing this method, called fmi4omnetpp. A third contribution is the development of the Smart Grid Simulation Framework tooled environment, which automates a number of repetitive tasks in order to ensure consistency between different simulation models. Finally, a fourth contribution is the formalization of an iterative design approach for the cosimulation of a Smart Grid, and how to integrate our Smart Grid Simulation Framework into it. To do so, we explain the different steps of the approach and the role of the actors involved in the design process, then we present its application to a real case study for which we use our Smart Grid Simulation Framework.