Parallel and Distributed Systems Group
Computer Science Department of Telecom SudParis
Faculty members
Parallel and Distributed Systems (master track)
Architecte de Services informatiques Répartis (VAP)
How to give good talks
Invited talk: François Trahay presented "How to give good talks" at 4A312 the 16/9/2022 at 10h00.
Roofline: an insightful visual performance model for multicore architectures
The Demikernel Datapath OS Architecture for Microsecond-scale Datacenter Systems
Next seminars
Tan Cetiner will make a presentation at 4A312 the 24/1/2025 at 11h00
Duc Hieu Le will make a presentation at 4A312 the 24/1/2025 at 10h30
Adam Chader will make a presentation at 4A312 the 24/1/2025 at 10h00