Distributed Systems, Software Engineering and Middleware - DiSSEM group

Computer Science Department of Telecom SudParis

Research Projects

Project Description Type Period Web Site


EU Erasmus+ 2023-

Understand, improve, and reduce the environmental impacts of Cloud Computing

ANR PEPR CLOUD 2023-2030

Model, Deploy, Orchestrate, and Optimize Cloud

ANR PEPR CLOUD 2023-2030

Supervision and prediction for the cloud

ANR PEPR CLOUD 2023-2030

Collaboration with Peru, Chile and France towards Energy-efficient Software for Distributed Systems

STIC AmSud 2023-2024

Comprehensive Framework enabling the Delivery of Trustworthy Datasets for Efficient AIoT Operation

HORIZON 2024-2027

Digital maintenance for sustainable and flexible operation of hydro-power plant

HORIZON 2023-2026

Project Description Type Period Web Site

Teaching Ethics in Computer Science programmes

EU Erasmus+ 2019-2022
Good in Tech

Rethinking innovation and technology as drivers of a better world for and by humans

Research Chair 2019

Correct integration of discrete and continuous models

ANR 2018-2021

Strengthening Europe’s Software Innovation Capacity


EU knowledge alliance project 2017-2020
TIPPERS Testbed for IoT-based Privacy-Preserving PERvasive Spaces DARPA 2019-22
SCIFIRE Prioritized IoT Data Exchange Middleware for Emergency Response NIST 2018-21
DEBSUCON Integrating Usage Control in an event-based distributed system for the IoT LTCI/SAMOVAR 2019-20
PRODIO Protection of personal data in the IoT: consent management according to GDPR LTCI/SAMOVAR 2018-19
INCOME INfrastructure de gestion de COntexte Multi-‘Echelle pour l’Internet des Objets ANR/INFRA 2012-16
EASI CLOUDS Extendable Architecture and Service Infrastructure for Cloud-aware Software ITEA2 2011-14
ICEbreak Interactive Cinema Experience through advanced storyboarding and mobile devices to BREAK the fun frontier Eurostars 2012-13
TOTEM Theories and Tools for Distributed Authoring of Mobile Mixed Reality Games Programme Inter Carnot-Fraunhofer (PICF) 2009-12
Semeuse Semantique pour bus de services ANR 2009-11
Play Online Middleware de jeux multi-joueurs, multi-plateformes, compatible avec le standard PLAY ALL FUI 2009-11
SEAMLESS SEamless and Adaptive Services over MultipLe AccEsS NetworkS ANR 2008-10
CAPPUCINO Construction et Adaptation d’aPPlications Ubiquitaires et de Composants d’INtergiciels en environnement Ouvert pour l’industrie du commerce FUI 2007-10