ACMES team

Samovar lab

C-GDR: High-Performance Container-aware GPUDirect MPI Communication Schemes on RDMA Networks

Reading group: Marie Reinbigler presented "C-GDR: High-Performance Container-aware GPUDirect MPI Communication Schemes on RDMA Networks" (IPDPS'19) in visio the 13/11/2020 at 10h00.

You can find the video of the presentation here.


In recent years, GPU-based platforms have received significant success for parallel applications. In addition to highly optimized computation kernels on GPUs, the cost of data movement on GPU clusters plays critical roles in delivering high performance for end applications. Many recent studies have been proposed to optimize the performance of GPU- or CUDA-aware communication runtimes and these designs have been widely adopted in the emerging GPU-based applications. These studies mainly focus on improving the communication performance on native environments, i.e., physical machines, however GPU-based communication schemes on cloud environments are not well studied yet. This paper first investigates the performance characteristics of state-of-the-art GPU-based communication schemes on both native and container-based environments, which show a significant demand to design high-performance container-aware communication schemes in GPU-enabled runtimes to deliver near-native performance for end applications on clouds. Next, we propose the C-GDR approach to design high-performance Container-aware GPUDirect communication schemes on RDMA networks. C-GDR allows communication runtimes to successfully detect process locality, GPU residency, NUMA, architecture information, and communication pattern to enable intelligent and dynamic selection of the best communication and data movement schemes on GPU-enabled clouds. We have integrated C-GDR with the MVAPICH2 library. Our evaluations show that MVAPICH2 with C-GDR has clear performance benefits on container-based cloud environments, compared to default MVAPICH2-GDR and Open MPI. For instance, our proposed CGDR can outperform default MVAPICH2-GDR schemes by up to 66% on micro-benchmarks and up to 26% on HPC applications over a container-based environment.