ACMES team

Samovar lab

ePrints: A Real-Time and Scalable System for Fair Apportionment and Tracking of Personal Energy Footprints in Commercial Buildings

Reading group: Dimitrije Panic presented "ePrints: A Real-Time and Scalable System for Fair Apportionment and Tracking of Personal Energy Footprints in Commercial Buildings" (BuildSys'17) at 4A312 the 27/1/2023 at 11h00.


We propose a system that tracks each occupant’s personal share of energy use, or “energy footprint”, inside commercial building environments, and provides insights to occupants on the real-time energy impact of their actions. We propose a new space-centric policy for fair apportionment of energy in shared environments and demonstrate a method for automatically determining space-centric energy zones. We design and implement ePrints – a system for tracking personalized energy usage in real-time. ePrints supports different apportionment policies, with µs-level footprint computation time and graceful scaling with size of building, frequency of energy updates, and rate of occupant location changes. Finally, we present applications enabled by our system, such as mobile and wearable applications to provide users timely feedback on the energy impacts of their actions, as well as applications to provide energy saving suggestions and inform building-level policies.